Faktoje: Your Story Matters
The Western Balkans Media for Change programme brought to life an idea that the Faktoje team had been eager to implement for some time: podcasts.
The Western Balkans Media for Change programme brought to life an idea that the Faktoje team had been eager to implement for some time: podcasts.
In a polarised media environment, where media outlets are often commercialised and distanced from the public good, the need for an alternative media platform that gives a voice to marginalised groups and citizen-led causes free from partisan influence becomes crucial. However, surviving as an alternative media outlet in such an environment is difficult without independent support programmes.
Media Amfora has had a great experience with the UK-funded Media for All programme, through which it has started its journey towards consolidation as online media. Being part of the Western Balkans Media for Change programme provides an opportunity for Amfora to strengthen its capacities further and to expand its reporting across Albania.