The Citizens Channel team (three men and four women) smiling and standing in a row in a dark room with black walls and a black curtain in the background.

In a polarised media environment, where media outlets are often commercialised and distanced from the public good, the need for an alternative media platform that gives a voice to marginalised groups and citizen-led causes free from partisan influence becomes crucial. However, surviving as an alternative media outlet in such an environment is difficult without independent support programmes.

Programmes like the Western Balkans Media for Change are very important, as they provide support for the development of independent media, help improve the quality of journalism, and consequently empower the voices of local communities. These programmes are essential for diversifying the media landscape.

Western Balkans Media for Change offers opportunities to strengthen the newsroom’s capacities, fostering advancements in professionalism, innovation and reporting quality. An added value is the connection with colleagues in the region. Currently we are collaborating on a cross-border article about the Drin River – exchanging experiences, learning from the leading experts and contributing to raising awareness of fundamental issues beyond national borders.

With the programme’s support to include Engaged Citizens Reporting tool through online surveys, has been able to reach and engage communities it previously could not. Through online surveys, we have reached the elderly population, foreign workers in Albania, individuals who have been victims of workplace sexual harassment, young people seeking housing in capital cities, and citizens concerned about economic and environmental issues. We have also strengthened our reporting on marginalised groups such as people with disabilities, the Roma and Egyptian communities, and the LGBTI+ community. Hundreds of citizens have participated in our online surveys, entrusting us with their personal stories on the topics we have covered. As a result, we have had the opportunity to communicate and reflect on the realities of citizens from across Albania – not only as a voice for the capital but for the entire country.

In addition, mentorship and collaboration with the programme’s implementing partners have provided significant added value, enabling us to share experiences and receive guidance to produce our best work. Another important aspect has been the innovative visualisation of our products. By summarising key information from articles into illustrative photos and explanatory videos, we have made the data and issues we address more accessible and engaging for the public. is a mission-driven media outlet. We live in a time overwhelmed by propaganda, facilitated by the advancement of the internet. The media landscape is polarised, blurring the lines between reporting and advocacy. We believe objectivity should not be understood as neutrality but as a continuous pursuit of truth. When citizens take to the streets to demand their rights and fight racism, exclusion and inequality, we choose to courageously go beyond and be a fair and responsible voice.

We are very proud that, through our work, we have provided a media platform for the stories of ordinary people. At a time when in the country trust in the media is low, we have experienced the opposite, gaining credibility and loyalty among our audience. Thanks to this support, we have created dozens of articles and videos that have reached approximately 500,000 citizens.

Additionally, has developed new engagement models. We now have a monthly newsletter, a closed Facebook group called Me Qytetarët (With the Citizens) and a broadcast channel on Instagram – fostering an engaged audience.

Beyond articles, an additional innovation in our project is the creation of a newspaper for the elderly in print format – reviving the feel of newspapers from many years ago but with a modern focus on media education. As users of social media, elderly people often fall prey to fake news, misinformation or even information overload. Through this initiative, called ‘Kafe dhe Gazetë’ (Coffee and Newspaper), we not only offer coffee but also provide the elderly – who frequent cafes, public parks and other shared spaces – with information on how to protect themselves from disinformation and online scams.

We launched the distribution of this newspaper at the end of December, introducing the elderly not only with methods for protecting themselves, but also to our work as an alternative, independent and mission-driven media outlet. newsroom