If you are between 18 and 29 years old, coming from a big city or a remote village, whether you are studying, working or just like to think about the world around you, share your story with us!

Speak to us—speak for yourself, for your friends, a wider community or an organization; tell us what you think about COVID-19! We need your help to design a survey questionnaire that fully reflects your needs and concerns about the COVID-19, conduct research, and communicate research findings to the public. This will help your generation to influence governments, NGOs, donors, universities, businesses and wider community – to get the support you need.     

What are the opportunities for you in this programme?

  • An opportunity to network with your peers within the country and across the Western Balkans, and jointly discuss the impact of COVID-19 on your life and future
  • An opportunity to shape the research agenda and make sure we ask questions that really matter to you
  • An opportunity to present the research findings to policymakers, NGOs leaders, donor community and others, and shape their response to COVID-19 – to benefit youth.

More about the research:

The research is part of the “The Western Balkans Science Engagement Programme”, financed and implemented by the British Council. The research on COVID-19 impact on youth is designed as a three-stage process. Within the first stage (October - November 2020) a group of researchers will do analysis of qualitative data (videos received) to identify main topics of concern for young people. During the second stage (November 2020), identified topics will be further discussed within the focus groups of 15 young female and male participants in each of the Western Balkans countries. This will lead to the design of a survey questionnaire. Within the third stage (December 2020 – January 2021), a survey using a representative sample of youth in all 6 Western Balkans countries will be conducted.